ACSR Rabbit Conductor 50mm2

    Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced ACSR Rabbit Conductor 50mm2

    Code name: Rabbit

    Corss section area: 50mm2

    Standard: BS 215 Part 2

    Conductor Material: Aluminum and Steel, Aluminium and galvanized steel wires.

Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced ACSR Rabbit Conductor 50mm2

ACSR Rabbit Conductor 50mm2 Description

The use of Aluminium as a material for electrical conductors has greatly developed mainly due to its electrical properties. However, Aluminium conductors for most of transmission lines which spans are quite long, it is necessary an additional mechanical support. Commonly it is used galvanized steel wires for cores of ACSR. Widely used as bare cable for overhead transmission lines and also as primary and secondary bare cable for distribution lines.

ACSR Rabbit Conductor 50mm2 Construction

The nominal aluminum area of acsr rabbit conductor is 50 mm2. it strands aluminum and steels with the same diameter. Their diameter is 3.35 mm. Among them, the aluminum number is 6, and the steel number is 1. From the accurate calculation, we can know the overall diameter is 10.05 mm. The sectional area of aluminum is 52.88 mm2, and total sectional area is 61.70 mm2. After the final cabling of acsr rabbit conductor, the total linear mass should be 214 kg/km. You can use this simple data to test if it is qualified. There are other acsr rabbit conductor specifications. For example, the calculated breaking load 1835 daN, and the calculated D.C resistance is 0.5426 Ω/km at 20 ℃. When rabbit conductor is working, the current rating should be 185A.


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